
Tax Advisory

Tax Advisory offers services in the area of

  • preparation of tax optimization schemes of projected business undertakings
  • interpretation of norms of tax law 
  • definition of tax consequences related to the particular state of affairs
  • review of tax and social security settlements and appraisal of their correctness (tax audits) 
  • preparation of tax documentation of transactions made between related entities
  • registrations and communications required by provisions of tax law
  • preparatory activities related to TVA refund
  • aid in contacts with Treasury authorities

Current tax information can be found here:


Co to jest plik „Cookie”?

„Cookies” (Ciasteczka) są to pojedyncze, małe pliki tekstowe, wysyłane przez odwiedzane strony internetowe i pobierane na komputerze użytkownika. Informacje zawarte w tych plikach pozwalają na odczytanie informacji w nich zawartych jedynie przez stronę, która je utworzyła. Tym samym strona internetowa nie może mieć dostępu do innych plików znajdujących się na komputerze użytkownika.

W jakim celu strony internetowe należące do SR Polska korzystają z plików cookie?

Pliki „cookie” używane na naszych stronach internetowych umożliwiają odpowiednią personalizację wyświetlanych na stronie informacji i zaprezentowanie treści dostosowanej do potrzeb użytkownika.

Czy mogę zrezygnować z akceptowania cookies?

Czynności związane z przechowywaniem i wysyłaniem ciasteczek są obsługiwane przez przeglądarki internetowe i są niewidoczne dla użytkownika. Większość używanych przeglądarek domyślnie akceptuje Ciasteczka. Jednakże użytkownik, może ustawić tak przeglądarkę, by móc odrzucać prośby o przechowanie ciasteczek w ogóle lub wybranych ciasteczek. Można to zrobić za pomocą ustawień w przeglądarce. Zanim zdecydujesz się zmienić domyślne ustawienia pamiętaj jednak, że wiele Ciasteczek pomaga podniesieniu wygody korzystania ze strony. Wyłączenie Ciasteczek może mieć wpływ na to jak będą się wyświetlać nasze strony w Twojej przeglądarce.

Jak wyłączyć obsługę ciasteczek?

Dla przeglądarki Firefox:

  1. Na górze okna przeglądarki naciśnij przyciskFirefox, (w systemie Windows XP kliknij menuNarzędzia) i wybierz Opcje.
  2. Następnie wybierz panel Prywatność.
  3. Z menu rozwijanego elementu Program Firefox: wybierz opcję: będzie używał ustawień historii użytkownika.
  4. Zaznacz Akceptuj ciasteczka, by włączyć, odznacz, by wyłączyć obsługę ciasteczek.
  5. Wybierz okres przechowywania ciasteczek:
    a) Przechowuj: aż wygasną – ciasteczko zostanie usunięte po osiągnięciu daty wygaśnięcia, która jest określana przez witrynę wysyłającą
    b) Przechowuj: do zamknięcia programu Firefox – ciasteczka przechowywane na komputerze będą usuwane przy zamknięciu Firefoksa.
    c) Przechowuj: pytaj za każdym razem – za każdym razem, gdy witryna próbuje wysłać ciasteczko, przeglądarka wyświetli monit z prośbą
    o podjęcie decyzji w sprawie przechowywania ciasteczka.
  6. Naciśnij przycisk OK, by zamknąć okno opcji

Więcej o ustawieniach przeglądarki Firefox

Dla przeglądarki Google Chrome:

  1. Kliknij menu Chrome na pasku narzędzi przeglądarki.
  2. Wybierz Ustawienia.
  3. Kliknij Pokaż ustawienia zaawansowane.
  4. W sekcji Prywatność kliknij przycisk Ustawienia treści.
  5. W sekcji Pliki cookie możesz zmienić następujące ustawienia plików cookie:
    a) Domyślne blokowanie plików cookie
    – Blokowanie wszystkich plików cookie: wybierz Blokuj próby umieszczenia na komputerze danych z witryn. Pamiętaj, że to ustawienie
    uniemożliwia działanie większości stron, które wymagają zalogowania się.
    – Blokowanie tylko plików cookie innych firm: zaznacz pole wyboru Ignoruj wyjątki i blokuj tworzenie plików cookie innych firm.
    Zaznaczenie tego pola wyboru powoduje odrzucanie pochodzących z witryny plików cookie innych firm, nawet jeśli witryna została
    dodana do listy Wyjątki i może tworzyć pliki cookie na komputerze.
    b) Domyślne zezwalanie na pliki cookie
    Jeśli chcesz zezwalać zarówno na własne pliki cookie, jak i innych firm, zaznacz Zezwalaj na przechowywanie danych lokalnie.
    Aby akceptować tylko własne pliki cookie, zaznacz pole wyboru Blokuj bez wyjątku wszystkie pliki cookie innych firm.

Więcej o ustawieniach przeglądarki Chrome

Dla przeglądarki Internet Explorer 9:

  1. W oknie przeglądarki kliknij przycisk Narzędzia, a następnie kliknij polecenie Opcje internetowe.
  2. Kliknij kartę Prywatność, a następnie w obszarze Ustawienia przesuń suwak do najwyższego położenia, aby zablokować wszystkie pliki cookie, lub do najniższego położenia, aby zezwolić na wszystkie pliki cookie, a następnie kliknij przycisk OK.

Więcej o ustawieniach przeglądarki Internet Explorer 9

Personal data protection - information clause

According to Art. 13 sec. 1-2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (general regulation on data protection) (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”), I inform you that:

The administrator of your personal data is SR Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Tytusa Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000247061. The personal data provided to us will be processed in accordance with art. 6 sec. 1 lit. b) GDPR in order to perform the concluded contract, for the purpose of recovering receivables in the event of a claim or for contact purposes.

Right to object.

At any time, you have the right to object to the processing of your data, processed for the purpose and on the basis of the above. We will cease to process your data for these purposes, unless we are able to demonstrate that there are valid, legally justified grounds that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or your data will be necessary for us to possibly establish, assert or defend claims.

The data will be stored for the period necessary for the proper performance of the contract, until the claims under the contract become time-barred, but no longer than 5 years until the end of the financial year (maximum almost 6 years) after its completion due to the requirements of accounting law and tax regulations .

Your data may be shared with other entities when such an obligation results from the provisions of law, when it is the legitimate interest of the Data Administrator or when you consent to it, as well as entities in the field of accounting and IT services, which the written entrustment agreement was concluded with.

According to the GDPR, you have the right to:

access to your data and receive a copy of it
rectify (correct) your data
request removal, restriction or objection to their processing
data portability
lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority
Providing data is voluntary, but refusal to provide it may hinder or prevent the proper performance of the contract.

I would like to inform you that I do not make decisions in an automated manner and that your data is not profiled.

Your personal data is not transferred outside the European Economic Area.

Legal basis for the processing of personal data

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (Journal of Laws EU L 119 of 04/05/2016, page 1) – hereinafter referred to as the GDPR Regulation.

Personal Data Administrator

The administrator of personal data (hereinafter: “Administrator”) is SR Polska Sp. z o. o. | ul. Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 Warsaw | KRS number 0000247061 | District Court for the capital city of St. Warszawy in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register

Contact details

As an Administrator, we have not appointed a data protection officer. In all matters relating to the processing of personal data by us and the exercise of rights related to data processing, you can contact the following e-mail address: srpolska@srpolska.pl or in writing to the following address: SR Polska Sp. z o. o. | ul. Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 Warsaw.

Data processing

Purpose of data processing

conclusion and performance of the contract and provision of services in accordance with the contract,
for the Administrator’s marketing purposes, including profiling for marketing and analytical purposes,
for marketing purposes, including analytical and profiling of third parties, including the Administrator’s partners,
possibly for the purpose of pursuing claims related to the contract / services provided with you.

The basis for data processing

the necessity of data processing to conclude and perform the contract,
consent granted, and in some cases (e.g. contact for consent) also the legitimate interest of the Administrator,
consent, if consent is not given, personal data is not processed for this purpose,
the necessity of processing to implement the legitimate interest of the Administrator; the Administrator’s legitimate interest is the possibility of pursuing claims.
The specific purpose and basis of processing are provided in a separate information addressed to data subjects.

Security of personal data

In order to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data, the Administrator has adopted a Data Protection Policy which comprehensively defines the rules for the protection of personal data. Procedures allowing access to data only to authorized persons and only to the extent necessary due to the tasks performed by them have also been implemented.

The administrator uses organizational and technical solutions to ensure the registration of operations on personal data and the traceability of persons performing these operations.

The Administrator exercises due diligence that entities cooperating with him guarantee the application of appropriate security measures in each case when they process personal data on behalf of the Administrator.

The administrator conducts risk analysis on an ongoing basis and monitors the adequacy of the data security applied to the identified threats.

The period for which the data will be stored

Your personal data will be stored until the claims for the contract / provision of services are time-barred or until the obligation to store data resulting from legal provisions expires, in particular the obligation to store accounting documents regarding the contract.

Where we process personal data based on the justified interest of the Administrator, your personal data will not be processed for a specific purpose if you object to such processing.
If we process data based on your consent, personal data will be processed until it is withdrawn.

Data recipients

The data may be transferred to entities processing personal data at the request of the Administrator, including IT service providers, entities processing data for the purpose of debt collection, and an accounting company, where such entities process data on the basis of an agreement with the Administrator and only in accordance with our instructions. In addition, all our employees and associates who have access to your personal data have been individually authorized to process this data and have been instructed about their obligations to protect the privacy of our clients.

Transferring data outside the EEA

The collected personal data will not be transferred to recipients located in countries outside the European Economic Area (European Union countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).

Rights of the data subject

You have the right to access your data and the right to request rectification, deletion and processing restrictions. If the basis for the processing of your personal data is the Controller’s legitimate interest, you may object to the processing of your personal data. In particular, you have the right to object to processing for direct marketing purposes, including profiling and for analytical purposes.

To the extent that the basis for the processing of your personal data is consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
To the extent that your data is processed in order to conclude and perform a contract / provide services or processed on the basis of consent – you also have the right to transfer personal data. In this case, you will receive your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You can send this data to another data controller.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body dealing with the protection of personal data.
Providing personal data in connection with the concluded contract / services provided on its basis is voluntary, but necessary to conclude and perform the contract – without providing personal data, it is not possible to conclude a contract / provide services.
Providing personal data for marketing purposes is voluntary.
Change of the Privacy Policy

The Administrator reserves the right to change this Policy by publishing a new version of the Policy on the Website.

This website uses cookies, thanks to which our website may work better.


What is a “Cookie”?

“Cookies” are single, small text files sent by visited websites and downloaded on the user’s computer. The information contained in these files allows the information contained in them to be read only by the party that created them. Thus, the website cannot access other files on the user’s computer.

For what purposes do websites belonging to SR Polska use cookies?

Cookies used on our websites enable the appropriate personalization of the information displayed on the website and presentation of content tailored to the user’s needs.

Can I opt out of accepting cookies?

Activities related to storing and sending cookies are handled by web browsers and are invisible to the user. Most of the browsers used accept Cookies by default. However, the user can set the browser to be able to reject requests to store cookies altogether or selected cookies. This can be done using the settings in your browser. Before you decide to change the default settings, however, remember that many cookies help improve the convenience of using the website. Disabling cookies may affect the way our websites are displayed in your browser.

How to disable cookies?

For Firefox:

At the top of the browser window, press the Firefox button (in Windows XP, click the Tools menu) and select Options.
Then select the Privacy panel.
From the drop-down menu for Firefox: select an option: will use your history settings.
Check Accept cookies to enable, uncheck to disable cookies.
Select the storage period for cookies:
a) Store: until they expire – the cookie will be deleted after reaching the expiry date, which is determined by the sending site
b) Store: until Firefox is closed – cookies stored on the computer will be deleted when Firefox is closed.
c) Store: ask me every time – every time the site tries to send a cookie, the browser will display a prompt asking
to decide on the storage of cookies.
Press the OK button to close the options window
More about Firefox settings

For Google Chrome:

Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.
Choose Settings.
Click Show Advanced Settings.
In the Privacy section, click the Content Settings button.
In the Cookies section, you can change the following cookie settings:
a) Default cookie blocking
– Blocking all cookies: select Block attempts to put data from websites on your computer. Remember this is a setting
prevents most sites that require login from working.
– Blocking only third party cookies: select the Ignore exceptions check box and block the creation of third party cookies.
Selecting this check box will reject third-party cookies from the site, even if the site has stayed
added to the Exceptions list and can create cookies on your computer.
b) Default allowing cookies
If you want to allow both your own and third-party cookies, check Allow local data.
To accept only your own cookies, select the Block all third-party cookies without exception check box.
More about Chrome browser settings

For Internet Explorer 9:

In the browser window, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
Click the Privacy tab, then under Settings, move the slider to the highest position to block all cookies, or to the lowest position to allow all cookies, and then click OK.
More about Internet Explorer 9 settings